Department of Geomatics

Presentation of traditional folk architecture using preserved planning, drawing and photographic documentation of folk buildings at the level of the whole Czech Republic. The involvement of the CTU was focused in particular on the creation of spatial models of selected folk buildings and their interactive presentation in the form of the web portal VISKALIA.


Ing. Petr Soukup, Ph.D.


1.3.2020 – 31.12.2022


Specialised public database

Organizing an exhibition with a critical catalogue

Specialised map with expert content

Web application for editors

Audiovisual production

Chapter in a professional book

Project characteristics

The project comprehensively solves the multifaceted problem of relevant access to, protection and presentation of traditional folk architecture through the use of preserved planning, drawing and photographic documentation of folk buildings at the level of the whole Czech Republic. Folk architecture can be considered as one of the cornerstones of regional and national identity, including numerous manifestations of ethnic, social or other specifics, which, however, has been disappearing at a dramatic pace for many decades and its recognition and integration into the current cultural values and cultural memory and identity of the Czech population is therefore not possible to implement only on the basis of the study and documentation of surviving buildings.